Wednesday, January 19, 2011

change the setting

As usual, had things to sort out especially on work since was away from the office. For some reason, just could not bring myself to open the laptop and work. Perhaps to do with the fact that i needed to rest and recover, and switching on the darn emails again didn't sound too appealing.

However, it had to be done,  i didnt 'check-in' a while now (considered long by my standards!). Plus there was work that needed some deeper thinking and soul searching.

So, i 'insisted' myself!, and decided to go to the local Starbucks with gear in tow. Chose a not too crowded commercial area and then found some parking quite easily! Once in, for one thing, it looked like Starbucks was still occupied with people busy chugging away their drinks and typing on the laptops. I guess i wasn't the only one with that idea!

Ordered a frappacino (departure from the norm teh halia kurang manis) and plunked down with my laptop to work.

Eventually, yes did manage to go through the emails and it sort of relaxed me in a way i could not have when at home. Yes comforts of home are distracting, and to a certain extent uninspiring (i dont have a swanky soho). But i think it was more of a change of scenery that helped break the monotony.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Operationally speaking

There are many types of lawyers, but i guess not everyone can or wants to tackle the change someone's life kind of cases. Many are set-up to handle the paperwork, dot the i's and cross the t's. So that brings to what is called - operations. Sound mundane, dirty, repetitive, rinse and repeat kind of work. Charging per transaction basis.

So does one strive to be in operational mode? Or should one see operations with a slight tinge of excitement. Maybe if one does, it no longer becomes rinse and repeat but becomes rinse, re-examine, improve. Not that it would matter, it earns the money. It would be nice to handle the life changing cases, no? But then again not everyones kind of tea. Depends on what kind of a lawyer you are or removing law from the equation, how you view everyday life.

Either way its operationally speaking.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Start the blogging!

Been considering blogging saometime now, since have read so many other blogs. Looks like blogging is going to be a form of pseudo personal publishing. Not that us bloggers actually own the hosting or services/streams that involved in blogging.

Some may say that detracts from the whole experience, but hey whatever that works right?

Do like the marketing of wordpress though. They (wp) make it sound so inviting to use, to a certain extent more than blogger. But i guess, it would be better if u had a hosting package with Db yourself. Makes more sense then to be able to tweak it to your inner geeks satisfaction.

After considering wordpress, up to the extent of setting up microsoft webmatrix, looks like its back to blogger for now. More importantly, its the content not the look. Besides there are some nice looking blogger blogs out there! (not talking about the really professional ones)

Priorities, priorities perhaps, look to get familiar with blogging and writing.

Now, whats next?